ITG, a local company with over six years IT experience, is completely focused in the domain of IT Solutions. Experience, expertise, commitment and successful case studies are the hallmarks of ITG’s IT reputation.

Across our specialist business lines, Networking, Security, Storage System, Software & Hardware, Web Development and Enterprise Management, ITG consults, integrates and manages your IT needs striving for hardware and software compatibility plus continual support and improvement to ensure your IT needs and strategic direction stay tuned.


In a highly competitive market, ITG Information Technology is committed to providing its unique clientele with the highest quality and distinctive services in all its sectors.

It is the policy of ITG Information Technology to promote, improve, and maintain client satisfaction and to meet rigorous expectations of the market through the delivery of services compliant with international standards.

The adherence to highly qualified standards of services along with the modern equipment and machinery and the strong financial position, has enabled ITG Information Technology to maintain its unique reputation among the leading companies in the IT, computer, Telecommunication and Utilities business.